About Workcircle
Workcircle is a new way to find work, fast.
Workcircle is a job search engine. We search jobs from job boards, agencies and employers across Canada to help you find the job you want, fast.
If you search Workcircle now, we'll check 8 live Canada jobs to see which best match your needs. And if you don’t find your dream job straight away, we can send you email alerts when we get new jobs that suit you. Visit www.canada.workcircle.com/newuser to get started.
If you advertise jobs (if you’re a job board, recruitment agency or employer), then Workcircle can help jobseekers find your site. Visit www.canada.workcircle.com/signup to trial Workcircle for free.
Workcircle was founded by recruitment veterans Simon Appleton and Tony Jewell. We pioneered the high-volume, low-cost model with our previous site, and now we're exploiting the latest technology to build an even better way to find employment.
You can contact us at .
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